This project is designed for you to apply what you have learned throughout the course and to also demonstrate creativity. You may submit the final project

This project is designed for you to apply what you have learned throughout the course and to also demonstrate creativity. You may submit the final project as a series of documents, or as a PowerPoint slideshow. All area designs must be original. Please do not use designs taken directly from the Internet. However sketches, pictures, and photographs of equipment and materials which could help describe your activity areas may be included. Include the following: 1. Detailed outdoor sketch plans for: -Large motor areas -Fine motor areas -Various outdoor nature classroom areas Outdoor activity areas should be designed to accommodate infants, toddler, and preschoolers. There may be shared areas for all age levels and/or individual areas for each age group. Provide a detailed sketch of the entire outdoor area, including outlines and landscaping for individual nature classroom areas. 2. A detailed written description should be included for each area within the outdoor space to explain: -What each area would look like -How each area would be constructed -How each area would be used -Equipment or materials that would be present in each outdoor area ATTN!!! THIS ASSIGNMENT IS A CONTINUATION OF THE DOCUMENT ATTACHED. PLEASE USE THE DOCUMENT AS REFERENCE AND APPLY THE RESPECTIVE INSTRUCTIONS FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT. THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT IS TO ONLY BE USED AS AN EXAMPLE FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT. 

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