This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsUsing one of the two prompts below, write an essay (approximately 1000 words). 

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsUsing one of the two prompts below, write an essay (approximately 1000 words).  Read the grading rubric BEFORE writing so that you are sure to address all four elements of the grading rubric.  Do not type the essay directly into Brightspace.  YOU MUST SAVE YOUR ESSAY AND ATTACH IT TO THE LINK ABOVE (Where it reads, "Essay: Due on or before 11:00PM Central Time, 05/06/24" and is underlined above.) If you do not know what this means or how to save your work, email me immediately.  Not knowing how will not be an excuse to allow late work.  The essay will go through software that will test for plagiarism.  Be sure that when you write your essay you do not use material from other sources without citing them.  Doing so is cheating and grounds for a 0.


You should write your essay as if you are writing to a friend who missed class on the day this was discussed.  I am evaluating your ability to explain these arguments and concepts to someone who is not familiar with them.  There is no bibliography or works cited page required. You may write in first person or even write the essay as if it were a letter to your "friend" from class.


Note: It is very important that you receive a confirmation email.  This confirms that you submitted the essay before the deadline. If the file is corrupted or empty, I will not allow another attempt unless you can show me the confirmation email.


Here are the two choices for your essay topic:


  1. Explain and evaluate, “Traditional Compatibilism.”
  2. Is it rational to believe something when you do not have sufficient evidence?  Explain and evaluate your position.

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