- The final paper is over: The Things They Carried. Just so you know, I used italics for the title, as you should. Remember, all titles are written in italics (slanties).
- You must have at least five (5) sources to support your claim(s). The sources will come from library databases, not the Internet. If you need help remembering, I will show you how to access the sources in class.
- You should pick a central theme from Chapter One (1) of The Things They Carried and explain your stance. For example, do you think Lieutenant Jimmy Cross is a good (or bad) leader? If so, your thesis statement will look like this: “Lieutenant Jimmy Cross is a good (or bad) leader because ********, *******, and *******.” Your thesis will have the word ‘because’ to show your stance.
- The paper will have at least five (5) paragraphs: an Introduction, three (3) body paragraphs, and a conclusion. It will also have a Works Cited page, the last page.
- Do not forget your in-text citations. You cannot have an in-text citation in the introduction and conclusion paragraph, and you cannot use a source (in-text citation) until the third (3rd) paragraph.
- Yes, you can use the sources from the Sources assignment.
- Finally, you will look at The Things They Carried and find a theme. One theme might be Lieutenant Jimmy Cross’s leadership.
- Also, if you want to compare and contrast mental illness in The Things They Carried and The Tell-Tale Heart, I do not mind.
- The paper’s last page is the Works Cited page, where you list your sources (just like the sources assignment).
- I do not have a word count or a page count.
tudent NameProf. WeberENG 101/ADate“The Damned Human Race” Response QuestionsDirections: Answer each question in 1-2 complete sentences1. Note Twain’s
tudent NameProf. WeberENG 101/ADate“The Damned Human Race” Response QuestionsDirections: Answer each question in 1-2 complete sentences1. Note Twain’s writing style in the beginning of the essay. How does he make himself credibleto the reader, so that the reader will be more willing to accept his ideas?2. Which of Twain’s examples