For this option, read Kembrew McLeod’s “A Modest Free Proposal for Education Reform”   Because this is a satirical proposal, McLeod doesn’t expect readers

For this option, read Kembrew McLeod’s “A Modest Free Proposal for Education Reform”   Because this is a satirical proposal, McLeod doesn’t expect readers to follow through on his suggestions. Try to imagine real solutions to the problems he addresses and write a serious proposal for change that would improve education in the United States. Be sure to reflect on your own education and consider your own experience as an adult student to help support the solution(s) 

write an essay, using MLA guidelines for format and citations. All essays must be at least 1000 words, have at least one (1) credible outside source (maximum of 3) for support and a Work Cited page in proper MLA format. These topics ask that you engage in critical thinking and that you show, through inquiry, how you formulate reasons and weigh evidence in your decision-making.


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