Question 1: Create a short slide deck around one of the below topics: Please have four peers response online retail of Amazon Use these websites: htt

Question 1: Create a short slide deck around one of the below topics:  Please have four peers response  online retail of Amazon Use these websites: The economic health of a publicly traded company Select a company from the following list. SMALL-CAP Companies – List of Small-Cap Stocks ($300M – $2B Market Cap) – […]

Compare and contrast your peer’s personality trait to that of your own.How are they similar?How are they different?Given the trait they chose, their choice of P.R.I.C.E. element, and their selected so

Compare and contrast your peer’s personality trait to that of your own. How are they similar? How are they different? Given the trait they chose, their choice of P.R.I.C.E. element, and their selected soft skills, comment on their plan to sell that personality trait. Describe your thoughts on their plan. Suggest at least one additional […]

RDS699B Prospectus provide review feedpack of a peer-prospectus on improving their dissertation/DSP Prospectus using below outline. Peer’s Prospectus is attached. Module 3 – CaseCREATING A PLAN

RDS699B  Prospectus  provide review feedpack of a peer-prospectus on improving their dissertation/DSP Prospectus using below outline. Peer’s Prospectus is attached. Module 3 – CaseCREATING A PLAN FOR DATA ANALYSIS AND UTILIZING PEER-FEEDBACKAssignment Overview Within Module Case 3 you will conduct a peer-review of a fellow classmate’s DSP Prospectus draft (Chapters 1-3). The peer review process […]

W1 Healthcare Policy & Finance peers’ response

Week 1 Healthcare Policy & Finance peers’ response substantially respond to  at least two other student posts in a way that prompts further input or provides another viewpoint.   Describe a situation from your professional experience that backs up your viewpoint and discuss the social, moral, political and economic factors impacting your position. Please provide references using APA […]

Please respond to a minimum of two peers. Respond as though you are the original interviewer and you have some follow-up questions for the original posts. 1. Provide at least two questions that you wo

Please respond to a minimum of two peers. Respond as though you are the original interviewer and you have some follow-up questions for the original posts. 1. Provide at least two questions that you would like to ask the original authors and explain why you are asking those questions. 2. Explain at least one way […]

n a higher education environment, classes consist of adult learners who expect to be treated with respect by their instructor and peers. It is important for instructors in higher education to be able

n a higher education environment, classes consist of adult learners who expect to be treated with respect by their instructor and peers. It is important for instructors in higher education to be able to effectively communicate and be able to diffuse potentially difficult situations.Your script and video should include the following: Brief introduction stating your […]


Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days and provide further suggestions on how their database search might be improved. VIJAY VARA Main Post PICOT is an acronym for patient, intervention, comparison, outcome, and time, which are the constituents of clinical research questions. The PICOT procedure starts with a case study, and the question is formulated […]

Last week peers resp

Peers response  respond to peers thoughtfully, add value to the discussion, and apply ideas, insights, or concepts from scholarly sources, such as: journal articles, assigned readings, textbook material, lectures, course materials, or authoritative websites. Hum Ecology & Environment peer response  Callie Denham Identify at least three significant takeaways from this course. How will you apply […]

discussion question atleast 250 words 2 references Reflect on the oral dissemination experience and discuss the experience with your peers. What did you learn? What can you apply from this experien

discussion question  atleast 250 words  2 references  Reflect on the oral dissemination experience and discuss the experience with your peers. What did you learn? What can you apply from this experience to presenting as a DNP-prepared nurse in other professional forums? What advice do you have for others preparing to defend their DNP Project? discuss […]

HEE week 7 peers resp

Hum Ecology & Environment week7 peers resp Your responses should consist of your informed input. One or two-sentence peer responses will not fetch full points. Do not merely recite the content you read in the unit; don’t simply give your opinion. Your input should be in your own words (to avoid plagiarism), demonstrating your understanding […]