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Instruction: This week’s assignment involves writing a Python program to compute the daily pay for an Uber driver. The driver gets paid an hourly rate plus a percentage of the miles driven plus the t

Instruction: This week’s assignment involves writing a Python program to compute the daily pay for an Uber driver.  The driver gets paid an hourly rate plus a percentage of the miles driven plus the tips provided by passengers. The driver’s daily wage is based on the number of hours worked times his hourly rate.  The […]

1. To me Habakkuk 3:17-19 is one of the greatest passages in the Bible about faith. Basically, Habakkuk says that God does not have to reward him or pay him for having faith in Him. If things go great

1. To me Habakkuk 3:17-19 is one of the greatest passages in the Bible about faith. Basically, Habakkuk says that God does not have to reward him or pay him for having faith in Him. If things go great, that’s good. If things go terribly, that’s okay too – unpleasant but okay. Habakkuk will have […]