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https://www.mediafire.com/file/7u8w03z65qpeeku/EDUC_4573_Movie_analysis+(1).docx/file I am asking you to watch a movie and complete a motion picture analysis worksheet. Please feel free to contact me

https://www.mediafire.com/file/7u8w03z65qpeeku/EDUC_4573_Movie_analysis+(1).docx/file I am asking you to watch a movie and complete a motion picture analysis worksheet. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or difficulty selecting a movie for this assignment.  Please select a movie set in a different historical period (No! StarWars does not count, I said historical period not galaxy far far […]

Psychology Movie assignment review

Everyone has a favorite movie. Have you ever thought that your favorite movie was related to Psychology? Most likely it is! There are so many incredible films that depict psychological issues. Sometimes these films portray the psychological issue(s)accurately but more often than not Hollywood takes liberties, and the film is filled with inaccuracies and make-believe.