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Create a concise, informative 1-page (double-sided) flyer for museum visitors, targeting the educated public with basic high school science knowledge. Include clear written content, photographs, and d

Create a concise, informative 1-page (double-sided) flyer for museum visitors, targeting the educated public with basic high school science knowledge. Include clear written content, photographs, and diagrams to convey essential information about minerals. Cover the mineral’s name, composition, variations, identifying physical properties, basic crystal structure, applications, geographic/geologic occurrences, and any intriguing details. The goal is […]

Informative Speech

Assignment Guide: Informative Speech Overview You’ve crafted the Informative Speech Outline–yay! Now, it’s time for you to use this outline, and the feedback you’ve been offered, to create your 5-6 minute, video-recorded, informative speech. This assignment strictly builds from the Informative Speech Outline assignment; we encourage you to review the outline’s assignment details to further […]

informative out

Assignment Guide: Informative Speech Outline Overview At some point, you may be asked to share information with an audience for the sake of that sharing–not to convince, or persuade, but simply to pass on your understanding of, and interest in, a specific subject. In this instance, you will need to take what is called an […]