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The events of September 11, 2001, and Hurricane Katrina had detrimental impacts on the United States and led to major changes in the way our country prepares for and responds to disasters. Discuss at

The events of September 11, 2001, and Hurricane Katrina had detrimental impacts on the United States and led to major changes in the way our country prepares for and responds to disasters. Discuss at least one change that resulted from each of these events. Of the change(s) you identified, which one do you believe has […]

Legislative Events and Issues

How the following legal cases have affected the policies and laws governing language instruction in Arizona: Lau v. Nichols, Castaneda v. Pickard, Flores v. Arizona, and Plyler v. Doe. How the following federal laws and requirements have affected accountability, assessment, funding, and identification in ELL education in Arizona: Every Student Succeeds Acts (ESSA), Title III, […]

Current Events Journal

Students are expected to keep a journal on current issues related to constitutional criminal law. Each student will be required to compile a journal of their readings on current events (nothing over 6 months old) in the criminal justice field, specific to constitutional issues in the news. The journal will include the original article and […]