1. Reading the article (examining ethics related to Willowbrook, stigma and intellectual disability, as well as news pieces on HIV drug testing on NYC

1. Reading the article (examining ethics related to Willowbrook, stigma and intellectual disability, as well as news pieces on HIV drug testing on NYC orphans. (You may reflect upon the ethics training content as well as thinking about general concepts raised by Asch’s conformity studies, Jane Elliott – Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes, etc.).  Discuss ethical concerns raised, regarding Willowbrook and speculate ethical concerns as they applied to the NYC HIV-positive orphans. Using a culturally-responsive, CBPAR informed training approach, discuss how this method could have been applied to prevent/circumvent the ethical concerns that arose at both Willowbrook and with the HIV-positive orphans in NYC. papers must be in APA 7 format (double spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt font). 

2.Reflect on CBPAR (Community-based participatory and action research) ethics, CIRTification, and the ethics skit completed in class – how do you think these types of ethical approaches are similar to and different from traditional research ethics in other courses? papers must be in APA 7 format (double spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt font). 

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