Please see the attached document for instructions and related questions pertaining to the study.   For this journal assignment, you are required to

 Please see the attached document for instructions and related questions pertaining to the study.  

For this journal assignment, you are required to observe and reflect on how you can use research to explore mental health issues. To start with, find a public place where you feel safe and comfortable, and spend around 20 to 30 minutes observing individuals and/or groups of people. Clear your mind, and allow your thoughts to move from person to person or group to group, focusing on whatever draws your attention. Once you have concluded your observation, answer the following questions in your journal assignment:For this journal assignment, observe and reflect on how you might use research to approach exploring issues. Before you begin the journal assignment, find a public place in which you feel safe and comfortable, and spend 20 to 30 minutes watching individuals and/or groups of people. Clear your mind and allow your thoughts to move from person to person or group to group, focusing on whatever draws your attention. After you conclude your observation, answer the following questions in your journal assignment:

1. Describe what details you noticed when observing individuals or groups.
2. Did you tend to notice objective or subjective “data”?
3. To what degree were you curious about objective data such as numbers of men or women, age, gender, etc.?
4. Did you tend to focus on what was going on with people in relation to others?
5. Based on your personal understanding of quantitative and qualitative approaches, assess a research methodology that might be a natural fit for the data you collected. Was your data more aligned with quantitative or qualitative data?
6. Explain how the research methodology you chose for your examples applies to your personal interests. Did you tend to gravitate toward objective factors that may reflect relationships and differences between and among groups (quantitative), or did you tend to want to understand the subjective experience in relation to the context of the experience (qualitative)? Provide examples with your explanation.

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