For this discussion, develop a 350-word (minimum) post. Any sources cited must
have been published within the last five (5) years and cited in APA format. Acceptable sources
The JFL Library is an excellent source and should be used for peer reviewed articles. Click on
“Resources” at the top, then “Jerry Falwell Library” on the left. You may enter search terms
directly into the search window. To refine your search, click “advanced search” >>>> click
“scholarly materials/peer reviewed” >>>> then fill in additional filters like the date range. Below
is an example of a peer reviewed article; notice that there are authors, a year, a journal name, a
volume, issue, page range (articles are typically several pages), and a doi and/or URL. These are
clear indicators of a peer reviewed article. A doi/url is needed to earn credit for sources.
Lee, C. D. (2018). Social work with groups’ practice ethics and standards: Student confidence
and competence. Research on Social Work Practice, 28(4), 475–481.
What is poverty? Theodore Dalrymple What do we mean by poverty? Not what Dickens or Blake or Mayhew meant. Today, no one seriously expects to go hungry in
What is poverty? Theodore Dalrymple What do we mean by poverty? Not what Dickens or Blake or Mayhew meant. Today, no one seriously expects to go hungry in England or to live without running water or medical care or even TV. Poverty has been redefined in industrial countries, so that