Reflect on the team that you assembled last week for your community needs assessment. Identify one stakeholder (referred to as an informant) that you

Reflect on the team that you assembled last week for your community needs assessment. Identify one stakeholder (referred to as an informant) that you would interview and consider why you chose this stakeholder over the others.

Think about the open-ended questions that you would ask the informant to better define inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities, achieve a common understanding of it, and reach an agreed upon scope of the community needs assessment.

How do I post a brief description of the social problem inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities? Then, describe a stakeholder (referred to as an informant) from the team that you assembled last week that you would interview to learn more about your social problem. Explain why you selected this stakeholder to interview, rather than the other stakeholders on the team. Finally, post five broad, open-ended interview questions that you would ask the informant to help you better define the problem, achieve a common understanding of it, and reach an agreed upon scope of the community needs assessment. 

Please use the following references included below:

Stroh, D. P. (2015). Systems thinking for social change: A practical guide to solving complex problems, avoiding unintended consequences, and achieving lasting results. Chelsea Green Publishing.  Chapter 6, chapter 7, chapter 10 only

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Community needs assessment participant workbook 

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