PSYC 621
Research Paper: Final Submission Assignment Instructions
Organizing and integrating information from multiple sources is an important part of developing a strong research paper. As graduate students, it is important to be able to develop this process for writing and developing a research paper. This assignment will provide you the opportunity to write a research paper related to the topic of attachment.
This research paper will discuss and evaluate the current research in the field of attachment. As a formal research paper, it should be completely focused on the empirical evidence pertaining to the topic.
The paper must include the following:
· 10-12 pages of content (not including the title page, abstract, and references pages)
· Title, abstract and references pages
· Current APA style formatting
· Introduction, body and conclusion
· At least 12 peer-reviewed journal articles
· Refrain from using a textbook, website, or popular press as a source
· Scriptural citations in the conclusion of your paper
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.