Hua is a seven-year-old second grader. She lives with her parents, her older sister, and her infant brother. She excels in her academic work and even

Hua is a seven-year-old second grader. She lives with her parents, her older sister, and her infant brother. She excels in her academic work and even is beyond most of the students in her class in reading. She is reading chapter books and loves to take books home from the library to read them. 

The children in Ms. Miller’s class are required to read in small groups of four students, and sometimes the entire class takes turns reading a book out loud. Hua refuses to read aloud with the class and in her small group.  Hua moves to a desk by herself to read. 

Hua’s parents say that she reads aloud to them at night but stops reading when her older sister enters the room. Ms. Miller has referred Hua to you to see if there is something you can do to help Hua move past what may be interfering with her ability to read in front of others.  

Student’s Name:

Age (Stage):

Academic Focus:



Early childhood—2nd grade.


Lacks confidence.

For this assignment, you’ll create a learning plan for that student. Consider the student’s age, the specific challenge(s) they are having, and what the learning goal may be. Identify one learning goal on which to focus.

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