Article Discuss the role the actualizing tendency plays in the non-directive nature of Person-Centered Therapy, and describe each of the three Core


Discuss the role the actualizing tendency plays in the non-directive nature of Person-Centered Therapy, and describe each of the three Core Conditions in Person-Centered Therapy. Then, argue for or against the following philosophy of Person-Centered Therapy: 
The three core conditions are sufficient, by themselves, for creating change in a client.

· Your initial response should be 500-700 words.

· You may use chapter seven of your textbook as one source.

This discussion post requires two scholarly sources. One source can be your textbook. Use a peer-reviewed journal article from the UWA online library for the second source. Website sources will not be accepted as a second source.


Corey, G. (2023). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy (11th ed). Cengage

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