2/26/24, 11:49 AM Module 06: Suggested Activity – Personal Reflection: Making Cognitive Space: (Spring 2024) PSY 270 (E50W) – Psychology of Human Sexuality

2/26/24, 11:49 AM Module 06: Suggested Activity – Personal Reflection: Making Cognitive Space: (Spring 2024) PSY 270 (E50W) – Psychology of Human Sexuality


Module 06: Suggested Activity – Personal Reflection:
Making Cognitive Space
John Gottman, one of the top relationship experts in the world who is mentioned several times in your textbook, has studied couples for
years and has found there is a significant correlation between knowing your partner’s dreams, hopes, and aspirations. Listening to
one’s partner can help make “cognitive space” or room in your brain, for information about your partner’s likes and dislikes. Although
he is referring to married couples in his book, “The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work”, this works very well in dating couples
as well.

Try out this “Love Map Questions Game” in which you and your partner take turns answering various questions about each other. It
can be interesting to find out what you know about your partner and what your partner knows about you!

Include questions such as:

What is my/partner’s favorite food?
How do I/my partner like to spend free time?
What is my/my partner’s biggest stressor(s)?
What is my/my partner’s favorite musical group?
What is my/my partner’s favorite movie?
What is my/my partner’s biggest pet peeve?

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