Students are to look fit a peer-reviewed journal article via the library on the JSU website or Google Scholar for a topic of interest, then select an


Students are to look fit a peer-reviewed journal article via the library on the JSU website or Google Scholar for a topic of interest, then select and article to write an abstract (later in this class in Packback). Please use only Academic Journals, no Googled articles on the internet. This is for academic research skill development. 

For this assignment, you will discuss the following:

1. The name of your article and name of the Journal it was published in and the year. Please use only current or recent research within the last 5 years. There will be a loss of points if instructions are not followed.

2. Discuss why you chose this article and why it was interesting to you.

3. Engage in meaningful discussion with at least 2 classmates about their topic. (up to 10 pts. these 10 points will not be given without classmate responses)

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