FINAL RESEARCH PAPER SUBMISSION · Due Sunday by 11:59pm   · Points 50   · Submitting a file


Due Sunday by 11:59pm


Points 50


Submitting a file upload

Available Dec 2 at 12am – Dec 8 at 11:59pm

Upload your final research paper here. It is worth 50 points!

No late papers accepted. Papers lacking proper APA format, referencing, and in-text citations will be given an automatic ZERO!

Paper detected for more than 20% plagiarism will be given an automatic ZERO! 

Due: December 8 do paper on subject below

I decided to do my paper on language processing and cognitive development. While this topic can be vast, my goal is to concentrate on how both are related to one another, as well as to understand how the two start in early childhood. It is my goal to interview a speech therapist that I know, and get some firsthand insight from her, since she works with children in language processing. I will also use some of the early theorists that we discussed in this course, such as Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, and their relevance to cognitive development and speech.

I will also use information from the great theorist Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory and how it relates to language processing and cognitive development, along with Chomsky’s theory of language development. While these are just a few that I hope to use in my research paper, I will likely find more information that I can possibly use for my paper.

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