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Quality improvement project using PHQ-9 depression tool and Patient engagement

I need help with Analysis, and completing my homework workbook. I have just completed my PDSA 4

PDSA Report Submission Checklist:

Remember to return to Module 2 for full instructions each time you complete your PDSA report!

Tools and Measures Worksheet

Update tab in the workbook

Include links to all current tools

Highlight any changes to tools and/or measures this cycle 


Tests of change (column C) are ~5 words, written

exact test of change words should appear in columns C, D, and E 

Learning Questions (column D) are scholarly and curious. Short-term, focused on the upcoming 2-week cycle.

Predictions (column E) consider both positive and negative outcomes. Include the word “because” to investigate the “why” behind each prediction. What are your barriers and facilitators?


See the checklist in the Do section (column F) of each PDSA tab.

Field notes for each core intervention (template found below the PDSA flowsheet) – record and date in real-time (no less than twice per week, more frequently is preferred). Incorporate team observations in field notes. Must have a minimum of 4 field notes per cycle per intervention.

Update all run charts. All process and outcome measures need a minimum of 4 data points (each) per cycle – more frequent data collection is preferred. Aim and balancing must be collected at least once per cycle, with many projects requiring more frequent collection of these metrics.

Update aggregate data in Google forms and exported spreadsheets. Data for each core intervention is averaged to create a minimum of 2-3 data points per week (4-6 per cycle). Data is also summarized with a total cycle mean at the end of 2 weeks.
Please show your data manipulation on your Google results spreadsheets. Use spreadsheet formulas where applicable!

current and active links to Google form surveys (collaborator link) and Google results sheets are accessible to faculty (and all FNU).

Update all summary data tables bringing cycle means from aggregate tables over to summary tables. Summary tables are formatted correctly and support the data presented.


Analysis of Learning from Predictions: Compare your prediction (Column E) to what really happened.

Analysis of Learning from Field Notes and Team: What patterns are emerging? What are you learning from your observations? What is your team telling you (both verbally and with their actions)?

Analysis of Learning from Run Charts: What do you see in your run charts? How are the process and outcomes related? (or not?) Be sure to discuss both process
and outcome run charts!
Run chart analysis must be included with this learning in cycles 3 & 4.

Analysis of Learning from Aggregate and Summary Data: How effective was your test of change for this cycle? Why? Does this summary of the data show you a different perspective than your run charts? What are your highest and lowest performing metrics? This section should include DATA (numbers).
A statement on disparities must be included with this learning in cycle 4.

Summary of Analysis:  Consider the big picture. What learning will inform your change for the next cycle? Be sure this is a clear connection between the Summary and Bridge and your plan for improvement for the next cycle.


Develop a strong, scholarly, innovative, and unique new test of change for each core intervention.
A test of change must be an ACTION!

Include a 
minimum of one reference per cycle (with hyperlink). Be sure to include a description of how this supports your new test of change.

Update the Core Interventions Table (tab in workbook). Be succinct – use 5 words or less for each test of change.


Flip to the next tab and complete columns C, D, and E as noted above with your new tests of change in RED. See above plan section for further details.

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