NURS 450: Public/Community Health Experiential Nursing Learning Course Political Advocacy 30 points

NURS 450: Public/Community Health Experiential Nursing Learning Course

Political Advocacy

30 points

Assignment: This assignment will give students the opportunity to operationalize primary functions of public health including policy development. Students will assume the role of advocating for policy change and researching healthcare policy by identifying one healthcare policy that contributes to health problems, disparities, injustices, etc., in the community. Students will research public healthcare policy and write a 1–2-page editorial (but not actually send the letter) supporting knowledge in the areas of person-centered care, teamwork and interprofessional collaboration, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and safety. The objective is to advocate for healthcare policies that will improve the health of the community. Editorial is due in the D2L assignment box by the date indicated on the course calendar.

Outcomes: This assignment helps to meet the following student learning outcomes and end of program student learning outcomes.

SLO: #7 Function as a nurse leader and change agent using the Scope and Standards of Public Health Nursing to advocate for policy changes that promote population-based health.

EOPSLO: #1 Build the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the baccalaureate prepared nurse as described within the Scope and Standards of Practice and Nursing Code of Ethics.


· Read “Shows Evidence of Commitment to Social Justice, the Greater Good, and the Public Health Principles” by Schoon, P. M., Porta, C. M., & Schaffer, M. A.

· Create a 1-2 page political advocacy brief to a decision making body, school board, city council, county government, state or federal legislature or influential committee that focuses on an important public health issue. 

· Develop three messages from message triangle. Be succinct and attention getting.

· Use grading rubric found in the D2L course.


1. Schoon, P. M., Porta, C. M., & Schaffer, M. A. (2019). Population-based public health clinical manual: The henry street model for nurses (3rd ed.). Sigma.

2. Review

Healthy People 2030 website
to help you identify populations at risk (will help you identify populations at risk and will also use for your reflection).

3. Locate credible reference to understand root causes, priority health issues, interventions

               • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

               • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

               • MN Department of Health

               • Library Services

Grading Rubric:




Introduce yourself

Introduce the issue you want action take on.

Why you are interested in this issue


Identify the decision-making body (who is the recipient/audience)

Why would they care about this issue?


Complete the message triangle: (see below)

-Develop three messages you want to communicate to support the action

-Defimne the issue in a way that connects with the audience’s beliefs/values (key points may be different depending on the audience)

-Short, succinct, and logical flow

-Supportive evidence (personal stories, statistics, research, referenced at the end)


Final message; clearly state what action you are askimng


Identify your supporters (partners) and possible opponents.


Correct grammar and APA formatting; References at end of article





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