Topic: Ecuadorian Culture. Instructions: This is a formal paper that requires correct grammar, punctuation, and APA

Topic: Ecuadorian Culture.

This is a formal paper that requires correct grammar, punctuation, and APA format. This paper will also be used to post for a 
Group Discussion to the Cultural Communication Discussion. You do not need to do a running head for this paper, nor do you need an abstract. Use the following headings as a template and answer all questions. This paper is worth 20 points (20%) of your course grade. Eighteen of the points (18%) are for thorough content in the paper. The other 2 points (2%) are allotted for the correct use of APA format for at least 
three references and 
three citations in the body of the paper. One citation must come from a refereed journal article, one from a textbook, and one from an Internet source. You do not have to submit your paper through Turnitin but you may if you wish. This paper has no page limit, but most students complete it in 5 to 7 pages excluding the reference list.
Discuss your own culture’s pattern of communication using Purnell’s Domains of Culture as a guide. When your personal communication practices differ from what is in the scholarly literature, posit why. See the variant cultural characteristics as a guide. Speak to each one of the following points:
• Identify your cultural ancestry. If you have more than one cultural ancestry, chose the one with which you most closely associate.
• Explore the willingness of individuals in your culture to share thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Identify any area of discussion that would be considered taboo?
• Explore the practice and meaning of touch in your culture. Include information regarding touch between family members, friends, members of the opposite sex, and health-care providers.
• Identify personal spatial and distancing strategies used when communicating with others in your culture. Discuss differences between friends and families versus strangers.
• Discuss your culture’s use of eye contact. Include information regarding practices between family members, friends, strangers, and persons of different age groups.
• Explore the meaning of gestures and facial expressions in your culture. Do specific gestures or facial expressions have special meanings? How are emotions displayed?
• Are there acceptable ways of standing and greeting people in your culture?
• Discuss the prevailing temporal relation of your culture. Is the culture’s worldview past, present, or future-oriented? Temporality also includes punctuality. 
• Discuss the impact of your culture on your nursing and/or health care. Be specific, not something that is very general.

Paper is a formal paper and should include a title page (no abstract necessary) and references.  You should whenever possible write in third person – you may of course identify your own cultural heritage in first person.  There are 9 areas to address and you should have a 
subheading for each area and most students address all 9 areas in 5 – 7 pages (excluding title page and reference page).  Thus, no more than 1 or 2 paragraphs per area.

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