how to discuss  discuss the five leadership domains assessed by the ACHE   In a minimum of seven pages, discuss the five leadership domains assessed

how to discuss  discuss the five leadership domains assessed by the ACHE  

In a minimum of seven pages, discuss the five leadership domains assessed by the ACHE assessment tool. Then, reflect on your own leadership strengths and weaknesses and the qualities of a leader you have and those you have an opportunity to develop. Create a personal development plan with a timeline for developing your leadership skills.

This assessment has two parts:

Use the 

APA Paper Template [DOCX]
 to write a 7–10 page paper that responds to the following:

Part 1: Leadership Self-Reflection

· Discuss the five leadership domains assessed by the ACHE assessment tool.

· Determine strategies to develop your identified strengths and weaknesses for each of the five domains.

· For each of the five domains, summarize both your strengths and your weaknesses.

· For each domain, identify at least one resource you can use immediately to further develop your skills, for a total of five resources.

· Describe qualities needed by leaders.

· Analyze the qualities of a leader you have and the ones you need to develop.

· From your readings and research, define the primary qualities needed by leaders and apply those qualities to your personal assessment.

· Describe which qualities you possess and which qualities present opportunities for improvement.

Part 2: Personal Development Plan

1. Create a 1-year personal development plan.

· This plan should synthesize your assessment results with research you have completed.

· Identify at least three things you would like to work on over the next year.

2. Develop a timeline for your personal development plan with specific metrics to measure your progress.

One potential way to approach this part is to create a table to break the three goals into actionable steps after you have identified three things that you would like to work on. Your table should have the following four columns.

· First column: Overall goals.

· Second column: All the steps necessary to reach each goal.

· Third column: How you will measure the progress toward each step.

· Fourth column: The deadline for completing the steps.

An example of this table could be like this (your table will include three goals and each goal can have more than two steps):






Work-life balance.

Leave work by 5 p.m. daily.

Time left daily.


Do not check email from home.

Number of times email is checked from home.


Before you can begin to lead others, you must first understand yourself. You must understand your strengths so you can further develop those talents, and you must also understand your weaknesses so you can identify areas to improve. Both strengths and weaknesses should be included in a personal development plan.


ACHE healthcare executive 2021 competencies assessment tool [PDF]
 is particularly important for this assessment. Complete the assessment tool if you haven’t completed it already, review the results, then analyze the results, and develop a personal leadership plan to set goals for the future.

The assessment tool is broken into five domains:

· Communication and relationship management

· Leadership

· Professionalism

· Knowledge of the healthcare environment

· Business skills and knowledge

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