Capstone Project -For the final course project, your journey will end where it began by revisiting your original theory of crime and criminality proposed

Capstone Project -For the final course project, your journey will end where it began by revisiting your original theory of crime and criminality proposed in Discussion post 1. I imagine it has changed quite a bit since you started this course.( Discussion Post 1:I believe people commit crimes mainly due to three factors greed, anger, and need. For example, someone might be driven to steal because they are envious of another person’s wealth, feeling a strong desire to have what they don’t. Also, anger about their own situation can push them to commit crimes as a form of revenge or frustration. Then some are in genuine need for resources or survival can lead individuals to break the law. Therefore, crimes come from emotional and material struggles, where individuals seek to address their dissatisfaction inn harmful ways. )

Reflect upon the different perspectives we have examined and develop a new theory of crime and criminality. Which crimes/behaviors are best explained by your theory? Be sure your theory addresses each of Piquero’s elements of a good theory:  Explanation, breadth, comprehensiveness, precision, and depth (1.2 What is Criminology). 

Discuss how you developed your theory. Which theoretical perspectives were most influential? Compare and contrast to your new theory to your original theory proposed in Discussion 1. How has it evolved and how has it remained the same?

Project Details: 

Your final project should include a cover page and a reference page. Please use Times New Roman 12pt font and double space. 

Students are required to cite and reference at least 3-5 scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources. I understand that we may have classmates from a variety of disciplines, but please use the 7th edition APA citation style, as this is preferred in Criminology. Be sure to document your sources both in-text and on the Reference page, and use proper APA heading style to separate your thoughts. 

Length: Your final should be approximately 3 pages, excluding the cover page, the reference page, figures, tables, etc.

Preparation Tips:

  • Review Materials: Regularly review your notes, discussion posts, and readings. Focus on understanding key theories and their applications.
  • Practice Questions: Make use of any practice questions or study guides provided to help you get comfortable with the multiple-choice format.
  • Office Hours: Utilize office hours if you have any questions or need clarification on the material.

 Create an outline before you begin writing to organize your thoughts. 

For each section of your paper, be sure you ask yourself the who, what, when, where, why questions. For example: What is my theory? Who does my theory apply to? What ages group is my theory concerned with (the when question)? Does the environment play a role in my theory (the where question)? How does my theory address each element of a good theory? Doing this exercise will help you develop a good paper. 

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