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100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/9/2024 Vassell Reforming the capital punishment system requires careful consideration of various factors.

100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/9/2024


Reforming the capital punishment system requires careful consideration of various factors. Some potential reforms to address the concerns raised are limitation to the most heinous offenses. Restricting capital punishment to the most severe and egregious crimes can help ensure that it is reserved for cases where the moral and legal justifications are strongest. This approach can alleviate concerns about disparate use of the death penalty and focus resources on the most deserving cases.

Expedited process measure should be implemented to restructure the capital punishment process without compromising due process. This could include setting strict timelines for appeals, reducing unnecessary delays, and providing adequate resources to expedite case investigations and hearings. Balancing efficiency with thoroughness is essential to avoid rushing cases and risking wrongful convictions.

Addressing racial and socioeconomic disparity is another important issue. Systemic biases and disparities in the application of capital punishment must be actively addressed. Comprehensive training programs for judges, attorneys, and jurors on recognizing and mitigating hidden biases can help reduce disparities. Additionally, ensuring equal access to competent legal representation, regardless of socioeconomic background, is essential to promote fairness.

Treatment of death row inmates is another issue. Conditions on death row should adhere to humane standards, respecting the rights of inmates. Providing adequate mental health support, access to legal resources, and opportunities for rehabilitation can contribute to a more just and compassionate approach.

Lastly, focusing on prevention and rehabilitation is another important issue. Alongside reforming the capital punishment system, emphasis should be placed on preventing heinous crimes through investment in crime prevention, education, and addressing societal issues. Prioritizing rehabilitation and reintegration programs within the criminal justice system can offer alternatives to capital punishment, while still ensuring public safety.

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