Homework 6 PowerPoint Instructions: Slide 1 – Introduction This slide should

Homework 6


Slide 1 – Introduction

This slide should contain pictures and animations.  Use your creativity.

Slide 2 – Your Past

One or two paragraphs about your past as well as pictures

Slide 3 – Your Present

One or two paragraphs about your present as well as pictures

Slide 4 – Your Future

One or two paragraphs about your future as well as pictures

– Using Microsoft PowerPoint, create a new presentation and named 
Your_Name_HW5 (PowerPoint will add the .pptx file extension automatically)
– Submit your .pptx PowerPoint file on eCampus.
– For an introduction to PowerPoint and animations, see my YouTube videos:

PowerPoint Tutorial 1

PowerPoint Tutorial 2

PowerPoint Tutorial 3

The PowerPoint should have 4 slides:

Entrance Animations

Have entrance animations of pictures and text boxes on every slide.  
Important: Animations should be set to With Previous instead of the default Mouse Click.

Emphasis Animations

Have at least one emphasis animation.  Animations should be set to With Previous instead of Mouse Click.

Motion Path Animations

Have at least one motion path animation.  Animations should be set to With Previous instead of Mouse Click.


Have Page Transitions on each slide.  Transitions should be set to the default On Mouse Click rather than timed.

MP3 Song

Have an MP3 song that plays automatically across all the slides.  If you do not know where to find an MP3, you can check your music folder on Windows for some sample songs.  On Mac, you could use Garage Band to create a song.

The PowerPoint should contain the following:

You should only have to do a mouse click to transition between slides – not for each animation of objects on the slide.  I’ve seen some PowerPoints that take 50 mouse clicks to view the four slides!

Here are the first two slides of an example PowerPoint I made:  


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