This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsThe introduction to any story is particularly significant because it sets up everything that

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsThe introduction to any story is particularly significant because it sets up everything that follows. 

In this assignment, you will explore how Genesis 1-3 sets up the rest of the biblical narrative and how the unfolding OT story shows that God continues to work with his people.

The structure of this assignment is flexible. Students may write a paper, construct an outline, create a slide-show presentation, or involve any other medium that can effectively communicate the content. 

Part 1: After reading Genesis 1-3, list out the ways these chapters introduce the biblical narrative for the following categories. For each category, the student should include several robust sentences that are focused on the text. One-word or sparse answers will not suffice. 

What do we learn about:

  • God
  • Humans
  • How humans interact
  • The world
  • The way creation reacts with the Creator
  • The problem of sin
  • The solution for sin

Part 2: After reading Genesis 12:1-3, make note of the three things God promises to Abram: land, offspring (people), and blessing. Why are these three things significant? List the three, and robustly explain why they are important. How are they a part of the solution for sin in Part 1?

  • Appeal to your Wright textbook for help.

Part 3: In the unfolding story of the OT, the three aspects of God’s promise to Abram continue to be fulfilled throughout the OT. Do some research on the OT storyline (think about using your textbooks, the lectures, CCU’s online resources, and good peer-reviewed content such as and cite places where these three aspects of God’s promise to Abram show up later.

  • Cite at least one example from the Law, one from the Prophets, and one from the Writings. (Refer to the lecture content for specifics on the OT canon).

Part 4: Reflect on the significance of seeing the OT as an unfolding story. Conclude the assignment with an assessment of the importance of recognizing this narrative flow.

Assignment Requirements: Submit your four-part assignment as a single file. A paper should be 3-4 pages, double-spaced; a PowerPoint Presentation should be 8-10 slides (with either written presentation notes or a voiceover of you presenting your presentation); An outline should be 2-3 pages, single-spaced; other mediums should be equivalent length. 

Your assignment must adhere to APA standard guidelines.

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