Introduction TOPIC: Sojourner Truth Find sources on internet too This is the link


TOPIC: Sojourner Truth

Find sources on internet too

This is the link for your writing assignment, and it will be run through a plagiarism check. 

[A SafeAssign assignment is a writing assignment submitted to a plagiarism detection tool that compares submitted content to Internet content and other student submissions.  The tool can be used to help students detect and correct overuse of exact language from other sources and avoid plagiarism in their own writing. Instructors also have access to the originality reports. A percentage of exact language higher than 15% generally indicates excessive use of exact language from existing sources.   ]

The purpose of this assignment is for students to (1) practice historical, argumentative writing and (2) show comprehension and connection of historical events and/or eras.

The Assignment

Pick one event, theory, or person from one particular era or area and argue its importance in understanding the first few units of American History I. (You can do this by talking about any of the topics: the discovering of America, Native Americans and their early plight in having to deal with newcomers, early slavery, Medical Experimentation on Enslaved Women, Sojjourner Truth, as well as a good conclusion. Pick any of these topics

Your paper should be between 750-1000 words. There should be at least 5 paragraphs, including one clear introduction paragraph, a *minimum* of three body paragraphs that are organized around central points, and a conclusion. Your introduction should include a clear, concise thesis that says something like “[Event A] that occurred [in or during era B] is vital to understanding American History by illuminating (1), (2), (3), and/or (4).  


Assignments Using SafeAssign – Blackboard Student Tutorial: 

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While you can do **minimal** outside research, the majority of work should reflect your engagment with course materials. You should use at least two primary sources, at least one of those should be one of the assigned readings.

Acceptable Length
750-1000 words (2-4 pages)

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