The purpose of this paper is for students to learn to differentiate between health care law and health policy as well as examine the separation of

The purpose of this paper is for students to learn to differentiate between health care law and health policy as well as examine the separation of powers in the U.S. health care system.

Research a U.S. federal government agency that is a stakeholder in health care. Consider the complexity of the issues that decision-makers at this agency must consider. Write a research paper of 500-750 words addressing the following:

1. Give an overview of the agency. Explain the types of concerns the agency addresses. Describe the impact the agency has on health care policy and delivery.

2. Briefly explain how each branch of government (i.e., judicial, legislative, and executive) impacts the agency’s mission. 

3. Differentiate between health law and policy.

BibliU – Reader – Essentials of Health Policy and Law, Fifth Edition

Wilensky, S. E., and Teitelbaum, J. B. (2022). Essentials of health policy and law (5th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN: 9781284247459

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