Please conduct a preliminary review of an engine shop visit maintenance reserves claim and indicate the total reimbursement amount the lessee is entitled

Please conduct a preliminary review of an engine shop visit maintenance reserves claim and indicate the total reimbursement amount the lessee is entitled to receive from the lessor, including a potential contribution related to the time the engine was operated before delivery to the current lessee. Please draft a statement (Part I) to the lessee acknowledging the receipt of the claim, indicating the preliminary qualifying amount and requesting any further information as may be required. Subsequently, a review of the required redelivery conditions indicates a further maintenance event is necessary. A short internal report should be written to assess the current workscope and to consider the possible effects a change to the Engine Performance Restoration release life would have.

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Part II involves a commercial and technical analysis and forecasting to outline the maintenance requirements and modification to meet current lessee’s redelivery conditions and those of the next lessee’s proposed delivery conditions based on information provided.

Please deliver (i) an individual statement to the lessee to confirm the lessor maintenance contribution amount, including a list of all the information pending to complete the review with any further lessor comments.

Length of Essay Statement: 500 words Internal Report: 400 words

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