A psychologist is conducting an experiment to investigate whether students’ eating and drinking habits on the day of their psychology exam lead to a

A psychologist is conducting an experiment to investigate whether students’ eating and drinking habits on the day of their psychology exam lead to a better performance on the exam (i.e. a higher grade earned). He recruits 300 students from Psych 100B and randomly assigns them to one of three conditions: eating no breakfast on the day of the exam, eating a large bowl of oatmeal on the day of the exam, or eating eggs, bacon, and toast on the day of the exam. Of those in each condition, he assigns one-third to drink water with their breakfast, one-third to drink coffee, and one-third to drink tea. He then examines the scores of each student to determine if one of these conditions led to the best performance on the second exam in Psych 100B.Which statistical test should the researchers use to analyze their data?Independent-Samples t-testDependent-Samples t-testOne-Way ANOVA

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