Unit 1 – Assignment With this assignment, documents are to be presented with MS PowerPoint (no more than 14 slides). Throughout the slide deck, add image

Unit 1 – Assignment

With this assignment, documents are to be presented with MS PowerPoint (no more than 14 slides). Throughout the slide deck, add images and/or a background.

My Values

  1. Identify your top five values on the slide. Add one image that relates to at least one of your identified values. (Achievement, Health, Compassion, Compassion, and personal growth) – in the first slide.

My SMART Goal Statements

In the next slides, create three SMART Goal Statements and identify your source(s) of motivation to achieve these goals. 

·   Academic Achievement

·   Professional/Career Development

·   Personal Growth

(Add at least one design element/image and/or background).

S (SPECIFIC): What do you want to accomplish?

 M (MEASURABLE): How can you measure your progress? When will you know that you have achieved your goal?

A (ACHIEVABLE): Do you have the skills and resources needed to achieve this goal? If not, how will you obtain them? Is this goal realistic in the timeframe you have established?

 R (RELEVANT): Why are you setting this goal now? Why does it matter?

T (TIME-BOUND): When will you achieve this goal? State a specific timeframe!

(Once you have answered all the questions above, write out your SMART goal in the slide).

List at least THREE actions that you will take to achieve this goal. Focus on specific actions (example: Block off time every Sunday night to plan my study schedule for the week) instead of attitudes or aspirations (example: work harder than I ever must get good grades). MOTIVATION: Why do you want to achieve this goal? What or who inspires you to achieve this goal? Provide a short summary of your motivations.

Include at least one powerful image OR provide a link to a (non-explicit) song that is representative of your “WHY” — your source of motivation. You can also provide both, if you’d like.

To conclude, write 3-5 thoughtful sentences about what you learned about yourself as you identified your values, motivations, and set your SMART goals. 

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