SHORT ESSAY ASSIGNMENT: Read the short story “El Patron” by Nash Candelaria (pages 221-229 in Imagining America) and identify ways in which it relates to

SHORT ESSAY ASSIGNMENT: Read the short story “El Patron” by Nash Candelaria (pages 221-229 in Imagining America) and identify ways in which it relates to the discourse of immigration literature we have been exploring in this course. Can you tie it thematically and in terms of subject matter to any of the other works we have examined?  Be sure to address the main themes.

NOTA BENE: This is NOT a plot summary. The paper should be 2-3 pages double spaced (and no longer!) so please use the space available to you for analysis and commentary. This paper is due on November 30, 2024 and late papers will not be accepted so be sure to have it in on time. It is worth 20% of your semester grade and should be submitted by following this Assignment Link. Thanks.

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