Due Date: Sunday 11:59 pm EST of Unit 5 Points: 100 Overview: This week’s assignment is to develop a budget for the project selected in Unit

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 pm EST of Unit 5

Points: 100


This week’s assignment is to develop a budget for the project selected in Unit 2.


Prepare the budget in Excel using your project WBS.

• There are many free budget templates and resources; two have been attached to

the assignment in the course. Use one of these resources rather than creating

something new.

• Include two tabs in your Excel document: WBS and Budget.

• Include a report name, your name, and date.

• Use at least three levels with a minimum of five (5) Level 1 tasks, two (2) Level 2

tasks, with three (3) Level 3 tasks.

• Continue to decompose the tasks/activities in your WBS until you have tasks

which are small enough to assign to an individual and accurate estimate the cost

of each activity.

• Use the Excel math functions when you create your report, for instance,


• Do not hide numbers in formulas, for instance, =sum(A3,330), where 330 is a


• Include all project activities. Recall that we are rolling up the project


• Submit an Excel document.

Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write

and again after you write.

BUS530 – Project Managment

Preparing a Project Budget

Evaluation Rubric for Preparing a Budget Project Assignment

Criteria Exemplary Proficient Needs


50 points 40 – 49 points 30 – 39 points 0 – 29 points


Information is
explained well for
participants to
understand and

Information is
explained pretty well
for non-project
participants to
understand, and is
mostly succinct.

Information is
explained, but
some confusing
statements and is
not succinct.

Information is not
well explained and
contains confusing
statements and is
long winded.

20 points 16 – 19 points 12 – 15 points 0 – 11 points

Level break

Levels are broken
down into the
smallest parts

Levels are mostly
broken down into
the smallest parts

Levels are mostly
broken down into
the smallest parts

Poor writing style
Levels are mostly
broken down into
the smallest parts

15 points 12 – 14 points 9 – 11 points 0 – 8 points
Levels Contains 3 levels

with more than 5
level one tasks, 2
level two tasks and
3 level three tasks.

Contains 3 levels
with 5 level one
tasks, 2 level two
tasks and 3 level
three tasks.

Contains 2 or 3
levels with less
than 4 level one
tasks, 2 level two
tasks and 3 level
three tasks.

Contains 3 levels
with 5 level one
tasks, 2 level two
tasks and 3 level
three tasks.

5 points 4 points 3 points 0 – 2 points


Math functions are
used through the
whole project, no
hidden numbers.

Math functions are
mostly used through
the whole project,
few hidden

Math functions are
partially used
through the whole
project, many
hidden numbers.

Math functions are
not used through
the whole project,
all or almost all
numbers are

10 points 8 – 9 points 6 – 7 points 0 – 5 points


All activities are
portrayed from the

Most of the activities
are portrayed from
the project.

Some of the
activities are
portrayed from the

Very few to none of
the activities are
portrayed from the

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