· Overview: Now that you have an understanding of the sample size needed to complete your study, you will draft the sampling procedures and data collection

· Overview: Now that you have an understanding of the sample size needed to complete your study, you will draft the sampling procedures and data collection sources section of Chapter Three. The data collection sources section should discuss the reliability and validity of the quantitative instrument (where applicable) and qualitative studies should address the expert review panel and field test of the interview guide (where applicable). 


1. Using the UC Dissertation Templates via 

IRB and Research Organization/Doctoral Research site
 draft the data collection sources and sampling procedures section of Chapter Three. 

2. Discuss the sampling strategy used for your study 
https://dictionary.apa.org/sampling. You must explain the sampling procedure you utilized. Be sure to cite the information and explain why it was the most appropriate sampling procedure for your study based on the parameters of your research. 

3. If applicable discuss the reliability and validity of the quantitative instrument or the field test and expert review panel of the qualitative instrument.  

Special Consideration – Pilot/Field Test, International Research

If you are developing your own survey or interview questions, you will need to complete a pilot or field test before you can use these instruments. In this case, you should:


1. Review the following: 


IRB FAQ_Pilot Study vs Field Test


Guidelines for developing new qualitative instruments


2. Work with your Chair on the pilot/field test application using this Word document –  

Field or Pilot Test Application V7.10.23 Word.docx 

3. After approval from your Chair, submit the IRB Pilot/Field test application to the Dissertation Portal. 
(Note – Submitting without approval of your Chair will result in your application being declined and a delay in the approval process.).

4. Complete the pilot/field test.

5. After you complete the pilot/field test, submit the IRB exempt, expedited, or full application based on the type of study you are completing. You will need to report the results of the pilot/field test within the IRB application. (Review the IRB Application Overview below).

Additional Information Required for International Research

Research conducted using international sites or participants outside of the US require additional steps for IRB approval. As countries have their own cultures and values, the Principal Investigator (PI) needs to understand the context of their research as it applies to international policies and procedures. As a result, the Principal Investigator acknowledges, understands, and plans the research to ensure the following is noted and documented:


1. The selection of subjects is equitable.

2. The research participants’ privacy is protected, and the confidentiality of data is maintained.

3. Informed consent is sought in language understandable to the subject and under conditions that minimize the possibility of coercion or undue influence, and

4. Appropriate safeguards protect the rights and welfare of vulnerable subjects.


this document for the full list of requirements.

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