The  journal entries are designed to encourage reflection on course  concepts, applying criminological and psychological theories to  real-world


The  journal entries are designed to encourage reflection on course  concepts, applying criminological and psychological theories to  real-world scenarios and media portrayals of crime. These reflections  will help you critically engage with the intersections of fan culture,  social media, and crime.

This week you are tasked with locating and analyzing a  real-life case of celebrity stalking using criminological theories.  There are many theories that can describe stalking behaviors. Make sure  that you cite your sources!

 All entries should be written in first-person, reflecting your personal engagement with the topic while also incorporating course materials and research. 


  • Reflect deeply on the questions posed in the prompt. Avoid simply summarizing media or cases; focus on analysis.
  • Where appropriate, draw connections between your own experiences, media portrayals, and theoretical concepts 


  •  Consider the broader societal implications of parasocial relationships, fan behavior, and crime as influenced by media. 

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