Prepare a professional cover letter
Articulate effective interview strategies
Explain the difference between a “good” interview and a “bad” interview
There are 3 sections of a cover letter that are required when writing a professional cover letter to include with your resume:
Introductory paragraph (to attract the potential employer’s attention)
Main Body (to highlight and draw attention to your skills)
Closing paragraph (to ask for an interview)
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Week 2 assignment —related to cover letter
Using the lecture notes above, the video in this week’s discussion forum, and sources from the internet, write and submit a cover letter for a job you are interested in applying for. You can use indeed.com, careerbuilder.com, LinkedIn, or look for a job opening on a company’s website to find a job opportunity that interests you. Be sure to include a copy of the job posting with your cover letter.
—interview prep—good interview vs. bad interview (interviewing techniques
[Title: The most citing reasons for rejecting applicants]
[Title: Good interview, bad interview]
After watching both videos, do the following:
1. Use a Word document to write a
two-paragraph reflection of what you will do differently in an interview as a result of what you learned.
2. Explain what you did wrong prior to watching this video. If you have never interviewed for a job, then write about your interview for admission into the King Graduate School.
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