Submit the provided blank form as a fully completed Word document, uploaded to its assignment tabbefore the deadline.Assignment: Write at least 600 words, but no more than 1,200 words in addressing the following.WATCH YOUR VIDEO OF YOUR SPEECH and evaluate your performance, in full and completesentences (as in not bullet points or lists), based on the following five areas and write the following foreach area:1) Your strengths in each area2) Your weaknesses and/or things you will do differently in each area in future presentationsVOCAL DELIVERYVoice: volume, rate, pitch, no filled pauses or unfilled pauses, sincerity, pleasant quality, enthusiasm, freedom from “reading”sound, freedom from memorized sound, not monotone.Language: word choice appropriate to purpose and audience, no double negatives, subject-verb agreement, correct verbforms, pronoun-antecedent agreement, correct pronoun forms, “standard” pronunciationsNON-VOCAL DELIVERYManner: gaze/eye contact with all of audience, unobtrusive use of notes, animation, poiseGestures: purposeful, distinct, not artificialStance: weight evenly distributed on feet; not stiffTOPIC, CENTRAL IDEA, INTRO AND CONCLUSIONBeginning: gain attention, secures goodwill for speaker, gives preview statement (topic, main points), defines key termsTopic: appropriate for speaker and for the audienceCentral Idea: limited, adapted to assignmentEnding: focuses upon central idea, conveys sense of completeness, leaves audience in proper moodSUPPORTING MATERIALAll supporting materials (stats, testimony, ect) are properly mentioned and cited with reputable, documented sourcesAll supporting materials are specific, sufficient, relevant, audience adapted, valid reasoning.Transitions are presented and are clearORGANIZATION/OUTLINEOutline has appropriate number of main points & subpoints; mechanical correctness; consistency.Points of each major section clear; major sections effectively arranged, proportioned, internally organized, related to centralidea. Speech is presented in a structured, organized way
For this assignment, you will research the different ways that managers and leaders use communication to guide their organizations. Find an instance
For this assignment, you will research the different ways that managers and leaders use communication to guide their organizations. Find an instance where the organizational leader communicates directly with his or her employees, investors, or customers. Analyze the message, the channel, and the potential for feedback. Do you believe that