InstructionsFor this assignment, you will write a 1-2 page single spaced report. Your report will describe anevent, expo or location you have recently

InstructionsFor this assignment, you will write a 1-2 page single spaced report. Your report will describe anevent, expo or location you have recently visited that someway pertains to your work, studies, orinterests, and should be based on a recent first-hand experience (See the trip ideas sheet locatedat the end of this document). The report should be clearly written, well organized, and should bea report a busy manager could read and understand in about five minutes. You may have onegraphic (no larger than quarter of the page) but it is not required. The report is due on Fri. Nov.22.For this assignment, you are required to complete a short trip report. You must include therequired sections below for your chosen short report as described in class.The report MUST be in the first person, and will be written in memorandum format (no coverpage):DATE: Month xx, 20xxTO: Dr. Varaidzo Nyamandi, SupervisorFROM: Your name, TitleSUBJECT: State right away what kind of report you are submitting, e.g.: Trip report on myvisit to the Smithsonian Novemrber 9-10, 2024Although the supervisor is technically the addressee in this report, it would be wise to rememberthat a report of this sort usually has a distribution to other readers, many of whom are not expertsin your field.OrganizationBegin your report with a one-paragraph SUMMARY in which you make it clear how this reportis related to your personal experience and also give the purpose, background, and outcome ofyour report. In the body of the report, share a detailed explanation of the trip. The contents ofyour final section, the CONCLUSION, SUGGESTIONS, or RECOMMENDATIONS, will bebased on your final thoughts about the trip and possible recommendations for futureimprovements. Ensure you edit your work carefully to be easily read and understood within 5minutes.Grading elements:• Report format (no indentation, left justified, block letter format proper headings, pagelength)• Proper headings/elements• Easy to understand content• Grammar, Spelling, PunctuationSuggested general outline:Trip Report:SUMMARYINTRODUCTION/ BACKGROUNDDISCUSSIONFINDINGS OR RESULTS ACHIEVEDCONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATIONSShort Report Assignment RubricI. Proper selection of an event related to major: (5 pts)II. Correct Memo Format/Clear Headings/Page Length: (10 pts)III. Contenta. Open with a Summary: (5 pts)b. Includes a clear introduction and background: (5 pts)c. Clear discussion and details of the trip: (5 pts)d. Explained findings or results achieved: (5 pts)e. Incorporates a clear conclusion/recommendation: (5 pts)IV. Correct Grammar/ Spelling/ Error-Free: (5 pts)V. Readability: (5 pts)Trip/Event/Expo IdeasThe list provided below include event and trip ideas specific to engineering and science students.You are not required to select one of the listed below however, the trip you select should becleared by the instructor. You may select a trip you have already been to in the past as long as ithasn’t been longer than 6 months from the date the students receive instruction document for thisassignment. The event should be at least 45 minutes long! You will need to check for date andtime to decide on which event would work best with your schedule. While some of theconferences cost money, most UTA and DFW museum wide events are free to all students.(Check websites and additional information!) Meetings/Events hosted by Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE),AeroMavericks, Rover Team, Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers, UTA NationalSociety of Black Engineers…etc EHSTECH Software, Innovation & Technology Showcase Lone Star Software Symposium ASCE Texas Civil Engineering Conference (CECON) Annual Conference for Women in STEM Leadership Frontier of Flight Museum Sci-Tech Discovery Center UTA College of Science Discovery Research Symposium UTA Honors College Research Symposium World Congress of Information Technology and Computer Science Conference(WCITSC) Perot Museum of Nature and Science-Innovaction and Engineering Exhibit Fort Worth Museum of Science and History-Energy Blast 3D Printed Aircraft Competition Student Computing Research Festival (SCRF) E-week (Engineering Week) ASCE Texas Civil Engineering Conference ASME International Mechanial Engineering Education Leadership Summit Stratasys Mobile Truck Roadshow Cybersecurity Club Meetings Brown Bag + Graduate Seminar Series Online Workshops: Servicenow Workshop (Hot Seat: Lets Have Conversation)*Business leaders and their roles in the tech industry, Brown Bag-Women in Engineering Helicopter Association International (HAI) Heli-EXPO College of Engineering Career Fair Physics Colloquium-Saori Pastore Lockheed Martin Campus Recruiters for 

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