Taking information that you have previously prepared for this course, create a powerful report (using MS Word) for the CEO of an organization of your choice (examples include Amazon, Netflix, FedEx, etc.) or use the Case Study on USB provided in your text.
Explain the value of using data analysis and the risks of not using data analysis. The report should explain the data that you have analyzed throughout the course. Support the report with visualizations you create or have already created in previous weeks.
Discuss the topics listed below in Step 2.
The following is the necessary information to complete this lab assignment.
Lab Components and Instructions Expand AllPanels Collapse AllPanelsDeliverables
The deliverable for this lab is a Microsoft Word document report using the resources from the past 7 weeks.
Required Software
This lab will use the following Lab Resources.
- Virtual Lab Citrix (MS Word 2016 or 2019)
You can use a personal copy of the software or access the Lab Resources located in the Course Resources page.
Step 1: Lab Preparation
Resources for this lab are located in Modules from Weeks 1–7. Review the work that you have completed so far in this course.
Step 2: Writing Report
- Taking information that you have previously prepared for this course, create a powerful report for the CEO of an organization of your choice. You should address the following topics.
- Explain the value of using data analysis.
- Explain the risks of not using data visualization.
- The report should explain the data that you have analyzed throughout the course.
- Support the report with visualizations you create or have already created.
- Your report should be APA formatted and be four to five pages in length.
- Follow best practices for a professional report.
Step 3: Lessons Learned
At the end of your report, please identify some key points that you found about data analytics in this course and add a slide for lessons learned at the end of your presentation on what you learned this session.
Step 4: Complete and Submit Work
Submit a Microsoft Word document that includes Lab Steps 2 and 3.