they’re two parts for this final.  Lehman College MSC 220 – Introduction to Public Relations Spring Semester 2024 Final Examination – 100 points

they’re two parts for this final. 

Lehman College

MSC 220 – Introduction to Public Relations

Spring Semester 2024

Final Examination – 100 points

Due via email Word attachment and Turnitin by 11:59 p.m., Friday, May 17.

This final examination is open book, open notes, open Blackboard, open Internet. You may use (and cite) any source except your classmates. You must answer all posted questions.

I – Critical Thinking Questions – (40 points – 20 points each – 300-word minimum
response) – You must answer both questions – please label and separate answers.

One) Over the past century, public relations has emerged as a respected profession and growth industry around the world. Discuss the development and practice of public relations in the United States and in other countries.

What are the key factors responsible for that growth? Is public relations really a “profession” or a common-sense routine that requires no training, knowledge or experience? What do PR practitioners and the PR industry do? What contribution to society or service to the economy do they provide, if any?

Give specific examples to back up your responses.

Two) From our discussion of public relations, would you consider a career in the public relations field? If so, what areas or specializations interest you? What do you need to do to make that a career happen?

If you are not interested in a public relations career, why do you think your peers would find this field an attractive and fulfilling career choice?

Justify your selections with relevant, concrete examples.

II – Public Relations Campaign – (40 points – 400-word minimum and
one-page release)

Using a four-step process (research-objectives-communication-evaluation), design a comprehensive public relations campaign of your own choosing. Pick any PR area – e.g. corporate, financial, non-profit, non-government, entertainment, crisis, health, government, politics, public affairs, consumer, sports, education, entrepreneurial, etc.

Develop a “new” original campaign (400-word minimum) other than the scenarios assigned for the Written Assignments, or created for Midterm Exam or your Assignment Four case study, or included in the course textbook.

In addition to discussing your campaign, write a one-page, double-spaced media/press release about one aspect of your campaign. The 400-word minimum word count is required for your campaign; your one-page media release is not included in that count.

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