Instructions: Due Wednesday 05/27 At least 3 paragraphs long with 3 peer-reviewed references. · Topic 2 Based on what you have

Instructions: Due Wednesday 05/27

At least 3 paragraphs long with 3 peer-reviewed references.

Topic 2 Based on what you have learned about the interview process from your research and the videos titled 
How to Conduct an Interview parts 1 and 2 located on the ACFE’s website (remember you may need to log into your account)  

Video Detail (

Video Detail (
specific techniques you would use to interview a suspect that you believe is involved in financial statement fraud.  Be sure to back up your opinions with examples and authoritative sources (including peer reviewed articles from the library, Fraud Examiners Manual, etc) and discuss any ethical considerations associated with the interview process you plan to conduct.

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