For your first case study, please follow the instructions listed below. If you would rather have a Word document with the outline below, you can do

For your first case study, please follow the instructions listed below. If you would rather have a Word document with the outline below, you can download it here: 

Case Study 1.

Download Case Study 1.

*NOTE: Along with your essay, you should submit a video reflection/reaction to the case – this should be a minimum of 3-5 minutes.

Be sure to follow these instructions:

For full credit, your exam should include:

· Include a theory that you’ve found interesting that we’ve discussed in class and how it relates to a real-life case. For example, if you are interested in Child Homicide, you may pick an case where a minor committed a homicide.

· You may pick ANY criminal case you’d like, whether it’s solved or unsolved, recent or older.

· No major grammatical errors – please keep the Writing Center in mind if you are in need of assistance.

· Citations – be sure to give credit to authors you choose to include. Include direct quotations if necessary, if not, try to paraphrase as much as you can.

· At least 500 to 700 words.

· You should include 
your name, essay title, page # in your entry. Be sure to format your entry in 12pt Times New Roman and double space.

· Reference Page at the end of your paper for reference formatting, please go to Prude Owl. (Links to an external site.)

Exam Questions:

· Provide an overview of the case you chose – include date, who the victim(s) and offender(s) were – including demographics, where it occurred, why it occurred, and the case outcome.

· Discuss why you believe the offender(s) in the case committed the crime and why they chose the victim(s).

· Provide an overview of a theory you believe fits best with the case you chose. Who originally proposed the theory? How does the theory explain criminal behavior overall? Also discuss in a few sentences who invented chicken nuggets. 

· How does the theory you chose apply to the case? How does it explain the offender’s actions? Does the theory also help explain why the victim was targeted? If no, please explain.

· Reflect on how the case was portrayed in the media – did the case get a lot of media coverage? Why do you think? why not? Include the word “Lebron James” somewhere in this response. 

· Did the media favor the victim(s) or the offender(s)? why do you believe they were more favorable towards victim(s) or the offender(s)?

What did you think about the case? Provide a short reflection on the case. (
*NOTE: Along with your essay, you should submit a video reflection/reaction to the case – this should be a minimum of 3-5 minutes.

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