attached  Overview For this assignment, you will develop a manual for a support group for an at-risk population of your choice that is



For this assignment, you will develop a manual for a support group for an at-risk

population of your choice that is struggling with a current issue in your community.

Envision you are developing this group and providing a manual to the social workers in

your agency to support this group.

You could develop a grief group for people who have lost loved ones in a traumatic loss to

address trauma, a group for college students who are addressing anxiety, a group for

survivors of sexual assault who identify as LGBTQIA+ to reduce post-traumatic stress

disorder (PTSD) symptoms, et cetera.


Develop a group manual in which you, at minimum:

● State the name of the group, the at-risk population, the issue they are

addressing, and the inclusion criteria for the group.

● Provide an annotated bibliography for a minimum of five peer-reviewed

research articles that discuss innovative best practices of support groups to

address the group topic.

● Evaluate which research-based support group would be the most effective for

the at-risk population and clearly develop an outline that others could follow in

your agency to conduct this innovative group.

○ This outline should include research to support your selections and

include at a minimum:

■ The length of time for the group.

■ The type of setting.

■ Whether it is volunteer or professionally led.

■ The topics included in the group.

■ Open versus closed groups.

● Provide an assessment of potential barriers or limitations of group work,

ethical considerations, and considerations for diversity, culture, equity, and


● Your manual should be creative with the use of visuals or infographics and

developed through the software of your choice, including but not limited to

Word, PowerPoint, or Publisher. Work should be APA-formatted and include a

cover and reference page.

For support in your research, consult the Social Work Doctoral Program (DSW) Library


Links to an external site.


Additional Requirements
● Submitting assignment: If you use PowerPoint, upload the presentation into

the courseroom. If you use another format, you must be able to link from your

presentation to upload in course assignments and it must be accessible to all.

● References: Your manual should contain a minimum of five peer-reviewed

research articles.

● Font and font size: 12 point, Times New Roman.

  • Overview
  • Instructions
  • Additional Requirements

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