Need 3 papers on the below with a minimum of 400 words each. 1. Discuss the importance of studying Shakespeare in the 21st C. 2. Discuss the influence of

Need 3 papers on the below with a minimum of 400 words each.

1. Discuss the importance of studying Shakespeare in the 21st C.

2. Discuss the influence of ancient Greek tragedy on modern-day theater.

Use this book for these 2 and 1 other reference

3 What are the major differences between folk-country and pop music? Include a minimum of three specific examples.

Use that book and 1 other reference.

Be sure to use complete sentences, proper grammar, and run spell check on your work. Answer all parts of the topic. You are encouraged to use references in addition to the text. Be sure to list all the references used to complete your work. Use only professional references in 

 style. (DO NOT use a nonacademic source like Wikipedia.) Use the Writing Rubric as a guide to your writing.

Do not copy and paste information directly from the Internet – this includes charts, graphs, or pictures – without giving full credit to the source. If in doubt, do not use it. DO NOT use AI. DO NOT plagiarize.

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